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Help update a school library one book at a time.
Sutter Creek Elementary is a public school located in the rural foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, just under an hour from Sacramento, CA.
Sutter Creek Elementary has a unique circumstance in that its school population (TK - 6th) is split into two campuses, about a half mile apart from one another. While there is a library at each campus, funding only allows for a part-time librarian at each campus rather than the usual full-time librarian. And oftentimes, the librarian needs to help cover other shifts on campus, so the library is sporadically closed and left unmaintained.
Sutter Creek Elementary’s School Library
How can you help?
Any monetary donation will be greatly appreciated! With as little as $5, we can purchase a book to put on the shelf for the kids to read. Most donation dollars will go towards physical books for students to check out of the library. A small portion will go towards the renovation and upkeep of the library.
So what are we going to do about it?
Well, great question! Sutter Creek Elementary’s part-time librarian, Mrs. Bell and Box of Books are going to begin renovating the library as best we can with the funds at hand.
Box of Book is donating man-hours to help go through inventory to figure out what needs to be purged, replaced, or is missing from the shelves. Then, over summer break, Mrs. Bell and Box of Books plan to renovate the library with a fresh look and design, as well as make a plan for themes and displays to entice kids throughout the school year. Essentially we want to make the drab become glad. We want to create a fun, welcoming environment the students will want to explore during opportune times in their school day. And, of course, Box of Books will be donating lots of books!
Why do we care? The best way to build a strong, lifelong love of literature is to begin instilling the love of reading in children as early as possible- and stay consistent with it throughout their juvenile years.
How do we do that? Surround them with books! Let them discover there is more than just the classic required reading class. Let them choose their own adventures! And a school library is no better place for them to find this passion. So long as it has the books and a welcoming atmosphere.
Sutter Creek Elementary has books- but they are old, worn, outdated, and desperately in need of replacement. They have space… it just does not have that welcoming, fun atmosphere kids gravitate towards. And a school library should be gravitated towards!
Over 80% of the titles at the library are well over 20 years old!
Donate Today
With your help, we can turn this ragamuffin library into a literary gem!
Why give?
You’re helping to foster the love of reading for so many children. And they are worth it!
School libraries… and libraries in general… do not get the funding they need to thrive. They depend on generous donors like you.
Because our future depends on the education of our children.