Great eReads to Gift… and at a Great Price, Too!

Do you read on Kindle? It’s okay. I love my physical books, but I would probably have a Kindle too if I weren’t in the book business with a vast book inventory an arm’s length away.

Anyways. So the whole philosophy of Box of Books is delivering you great reads, right? (And fun extras, too, of course.) And one of the reasons why readers love us so much is that we take the guess work out of picking which books are worth your precious reading time. No one wants to waste time or money on a book they won’t enjoy. Plus, in this busy world, who has the time anymore to peruse virtual bookshelves, looking for that hidden gem? We do. Because it’s our awesome job! We look for those hidden gems like a needle in the haystack. We vet them for you, making sure they have the best likelihood of being your next great read.

And now, in addition to sending you those great reads in your monthly Box of Books subscription, we are going to look for great deals for your Kindle and perhaps even physical bookshelf.

Kindle has a monthly deals on ebooks. It changes every month. You can get incredible prices on some really fantastic reads.

Check out our December 2023 discoveries below. These four titles are all books we’ve read and thoroughly enjoyed!

One of our all time favorite books!

A hidden gem!

While this one is usually pretty cheap as an ebook, it’s really cheap right now! Only $2.99!

Perfect for any true crime aficianado!

One of our all time great reads!

I don’t think these deals will last very long, so take advantage of them now… even if you don’t read it anytime soon.

*Please know that Box of Books may receive a small commission for any purchases made from clicking on a link. Thank you!


Our Great Reads of 2023


Forever Thankful for … the F-Word?!