I’m Sticking With You - A Kate Fave
Wherever you’re going, I’m going to. Whatever you’re doing, I’m sticking with you.
I’m Sticking With You by Smriti Prasadam-Halls
This is easily one of my favorite children’s books. It’s a super cute story, told in rhyme, about two friends whose friendship is put to the test when their personalities and behaviors don’t always jive together seamlessly.
It’s a perfect “lesson” book for any child who’s discovering friends don’t always do exactly what they want them to because their friend has their own drum beat to march to. And that that is OK. That it is their friendship that is important and that it is sometimes necessary to work through friendship hiccups.
But the best part about this book is that it does not spell this lesson out like a lot of children’s books nowadays. Your kid can enjoy the story without an explicit lesson being pressed upon them during story time. And they can still subliminally learn positive friendship behavior!
Recommended Age Range: 0 - 7 years old
I’m Sticking with You - And the Chicken Too by Smriti Prasadam-Halls
And the sequel is just as adorable! The two friends learn that their is always room for a new friend.
Bear and Squirrel’s friendship is jiving perfectly. They got the beat! But then Chicken comes along. She wants to turn their duo to a trio but the two are like NOPE! Poor Chicken. However, Chicken is persistent until she feels defeated. Then Bear and Squirrel realize that just maybe their jive could be more jivey when they open their friendship circle to others… but is it too late?
Find out in this adorable and equally deserving of attention sequel to I’m Sticking With You.
Recommended Age Range: 0 - 7 years old